Announcement from the Ninny Hammers:

We perform every Saturday on Bree Stage

Landroval 2:00pm EST (7:00pm GMT/8:00pm CET)


Evernight 4:00pm EST (9:00 GMT/10:00 CET)

Also on Evernight the Ninny Hammers break their performance to welcome others to give a song on stage.

Closing time of Evernight event is 6:00pm EST (11:00pm GMT/0:00am CET)NinnyHammersNov-002

For those on Evernight:- You may need help with finding us in all the layers – Send a tell to Lilikate or Liligold, I’ll invite you into our band fellowship. Then all you need do is click on the layers icon to be transported to our event.

(From: LOTRO Players)